Treely FC 2000 | Smooth flush core door with horizontal grain White Oak

Contemporary Doors

Contemporary doors are a type of interior door with a modern and minimalist aesthetic. They typically have clean lines and simpler designs, often featuring glass, wood, or metal elements.

Recommended Surface Options

Choose a flush door with either a Smooth Face (S), ‘V’ Groove (V) or Square Cut kerf (K)

Treely | Flush core smooth 3D model

Smooth (S) | Flush Core

Treely | Flush core 'V' groove 3D model

‘V’ Groove (V) | Flush Core

Treely | Flush core square kerf cut 3D model

Square Kerf (K) | Flush Core

Treely | Profile view of a smooth flush core wood door

Smooth (S) | Wood or MDF


Treely | Profile view of a flush core wood door with 'V' groove cut

‘V’ Groove (V) | Wood or MDF


Treely | Profile view of a flush core wood door with square cut kerf

Square Kerf (K) | Wood or MDF


Treely | Profile view of a smooth flush core veneer door

Smooth (S) | Veneer


Treely | Profile view of a flush core veneer door with 'V' groove cut

‘V’ Groove (V) | Veneer


Square Kerf (K) | Veneer


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